Welcome to the tribe! I’m Cathy, mum-of-three and a journalist with 25 years’ experience writing for national newspapers and magazines. I’m passionate about being active outdoors and am happiest trail running or snowboarding in the mountains or messing about in the surf with the kids.
I created Blue Sky Tribe to empower parents to raise active, outdoorsy kids and share quality time together outside. I know that carving out time for outdoor family fun is often not as easy as it sounds. Life can get in the way and adventures aren’t always designed for families with young kids.
That’s where we can help. From travel inspiration and wild ideas to how-to guides and practical tips, Blue Sky Tribe offers original features, expert advice and cool ideas for spending time together as a family in the great outdoors. We are an independent website, producing original content backed up by expert input and rooted in the latest scientific research.
Blue Sky Tribe is a commercial site and as such may accept advertising and sponsorship. However, we always retain editorial independence and only work with brands which share our ethos. We aim to test and try all the gear we recommend and we won’t recommend something we don’t believe in.